
Posts uit november, 2021 tonen

super new moon

SUPER NEW MOON SCORPIO – OPHIUCHUS USA PLUTO RETURN – 11/11 GATEWAY – DARK TO LIGHT The explanation of Ophiuchus and related Medical symbology “Hippocratic Oath” is important during the current health crisis. I include the USA Pluto Return because of Scorpio's rulership of Pluto.   Please take advantage of the 11/11 Gateway Portal as the veil is thin and it’s time to manifest our rightful abundance, joy, and love. Join the Mass Meditations happening around the world. Global Healings are happening now as we prepare to enter the 5th Dimension and the “Golden Age”! Love & Light, Laurel Ann Browne

The REAL story about med beds

Most important message about med beds

Today, Diwali the festival of light, India

✨DIWALI - FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS✨ Festival of Lights or Diwali is a significant festival that marks the victory of light over darkness, victory over evil and joy over misery.  People across India participate in the exhilarating festive vibe by decorating their homes with diyas (earthen lamps), fluorescent lights and lamps. Colorful rangolis are made to embellish the threshold of homes and workspaces. This year, the five-day celebrations begin with Dhanteras on November 2 and end on November 6. Diwali itself falls on November 4. At the END of ✨DIWALI✨ a ceremony is held with a large bonfireπŸ”₯ where the dark🌚 KingπŸ‘‘ is BURNEDπŸ”₯ symbolizing the dissolution of evil. FROM DARKNESS to LIGHT!  HALLELUJAH Happy Diwali 2021:  Quotes “Celebrating light, victory and strength in the world” “Victory over Evil, Light over Darkness & Joy over misery” “Allow the bright lights of Diwali guide you throughout the year” “Diwali is a time to come together and turn your foes into friends” “Ma...

New moon

On the 4th of November, the Sun, the Moon and Mars join forces in the most mysterious sign of the Zodiac, bringing depth and inner transformation for us all. This New Moon in Scorpio encourages us to release control, to release resistance to change and to trust that what is meant to be will find its way. Scorpio supports us in learning the lessons, releasing and renewing ourself by surrendering the need to control the outcome. Scorpio energy can be extremely intense, but it is this intensity that forces us out of our comfort zone and into a place of growth. With so much transition taking place during November, it’s important to tune into your inner world so you don’t get pulled into any emotional turbulence. Take time to think about what helps you find inner peace, what supports you in feeling balanced and find ways to stay grounded and promote inner harmony. Even though Scorpio energy can be deep and intense, there is a way to channel this energy into something productive and even som...

New moon in scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio and approaching 11/11. Today is the New Moon in Scorpio. The Energy is very deep...... I feel like all I want to do today is sleep and sleep.  Which is an indication that much is going on at deep levels of Soul and Spirit. We are in a Renewal and Rebirthing process, as Scorpio is the time of the Phoenix...diving deep and renewing and rebirthing. So you may feel very "tired" and just want to rest, because your Body needs to slow down in order to accommodate the high frequency changes in the Light Body and the DNA. It is only a week to the 11/11 Portal, and so of course the incoming Light Codes are powerful too as we prepare for this transit. Then also, we are about to enter Eclipse season, with an upcoming partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 19th of November.  This will also bring powerful shifts and changes. So, hold on everyone, the ride is about to get exciting! Celia Fenn

Simon Parkes: President Trump May Visit White House...

President Trump May Visit White House... To my Knowledge President Trump has been in the White House 3 times previously. Tomorrow Wednesday, I am told he may well visit to make some calls in the morning. I don't know if he would arrive by marine 1 or by car, or indeed when he might arrive. But there is more excitement than usual around the Florida team. Excitement might not be the right word, perhaps a better word is Tense expectations. Simonparkes

Benjamin Fulford Full Report

Benjamin Fulford Full Report: G20 Slave “Leaders” Pose For Photos While Their Masters Struggle To Survive A group of slaves known as the “leaders” of the G20 group of nations have been gathering in Rome and next Scotland to pose for pictures and pretend they run the planet. However , the so-called $150 trillion COP26 plan they have been gathering for is dead in the water. The masters who ordered them to follow this plan are being hunted down and will soon lose power, CIA, Mossad, MI6 and Asian secret society sources agree. “The G-20 becomes the showpiece for a dysfunctional global order,” is even how the establishment mouthpiece, the Washington Post, describes the situation. The fact is the families that own the so-called “global” architecture such as the UN, the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the Chinese Communist Party, the United States Corporation etc. are bankrupt. A group of Venetian nobil...

Something BIG is coming

Something BIG is coming

A message from Trump last Friday

Happy Friday Patriots! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ POTUS45 sent us an inspiring message this morning. Listen to what he says:  “Keep up the fight. It’s all coming together. Tremendous things are happening.” πŸ’₯


πŸ’Ÿ ASHTAR describes life BEYOND THE DIMENSIONS πŸ’Ÿ  November 2, 2021 by Steve Beckow  ❣ I would like to re-post a very remarkable interview with Ashtar from 2012, where he goes deeper into his personal life than I've ever heard from him.  ❣ It has some remarkable features.  ❣ I've written elsewhere about how the classic perspective that we merge with God and cease to exist as individuals has been discarded.  We have now been told that we are "going home", but come out radiant and radiant to serve again.  ❣ Well, here's Ashtar, in the middle of his comments, describing "going home" and coming out again.  He describes it in the most sober way.  ❣ In addition, Ashtar acknowledges that he lives outside the Twelve Dimensions.  And yet he describes himself here as an ordinary man with a family!  ❣ What lies beyond the Twelve Dimensions?  Do people live in the transcendental?  What we hear just doesn't fit our classical enlightenment t...

The Portal Cobra. Flash Overtura Update

The Portal The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light Monday, November 1, 2021 Flash Overtura Update Now that the most critical period has passed, I can release a little bit of intel. As a response from a non-physical, non-local quantum cosmic impulse of Light, our Galactic Central Sun is showing signs of increased activity on the non-physical planes. This is expected to increase until the Galactic pulse Superwave occurs in the near future. Our Universe is a living entity and it is learning: The main lesson of our Universe now is to completely transform all gross primary anomaly, and the current metastable cosmic quantum vacuum state will shift into a new, more stable equilibrium state without darkness: This new Galactic Center activity is already changing quantum vacuum structure of the Solar system, and there is more and more luminous superfluid plasma whic...

A message from Adama

Adama ~ ❤  The Space Brothers, whom many of you long to reconnect with tangibly, are members of your soul family. They are friends and family of your “future selves.” They have often intervened by protecting the Earth from major space disasters that could have caused much destruction.  Unknown to you, they have protected the Earth and all of you many, many times from major invasions by space cultures who have not yet learned to embrace unconditional love and true brotherhood. The Arcturians, the Sirians, the Pleiadeans and many others have been your most devoted Space friends and guardians. They are still here at this time in great numbers to assist you and to stabilize your planet during the coming changes and dimensional shifts. They send you love every day.  It is with a great deal of sadness that we observe how you treat your planet and each other, as members of God’s family. The only intervention that beings who live within the Earth have been allowed is to send you ...

Restored republic via a GCR November 2, 2021

Judy Note:  The latest rumor was that on  Wed. 3 Nov. at 9:30 am  in the East Room of the White House Trump would be making an  announcement , the QFS would be put into place. Nesara would kick in somewhere around  Wed. 3 Nov. or Thurs. 4 Nov.  and the EBS would go off somewhere in there and by  Thurs. 11 Nov . The Alliance has promised us Christmas in November and remember, “The Military is the Only Way.” Whiplash347:  The Storm is almost here. Make sure you have the necessities. 2 to 3 weeks worth. The Military will also supply food and supplies. We are going to Full Global  Martial  Law, changing over from Crown Maritime Law to  1776 . We are going to gold/asset-backed standard, not gold standard. Big difference between those two. Gold standard can still have exchange rates manipulated via manipulation of gold price. Supply Chain issues could last as long as the Pandemic. You were advised to store food and supplies for you and ot...