Restored republic via a GCR November 2, 2021

Judy Note: The latest rumor was that on Wed. 3 Nov. at 9:30 am in the East Room of the White House Trump would be making an announcement, the QFS would be put into place. Nesara would kick in somewhere around Wed. 3 Nov. or Thurs. 4 Nov. and the EBS would go off somewhere in there and by Thurs. 11 Nov. The Alliance has promised us Christmas in November and remember, “The Military is the Only Way.”

Whiplash347: The Storm is almost here. Make sure you have the necessities. 2 to 3 weeks worth. The Military will also supply food and supplies. We are going to Full Global Martial Law, changing over from Crown Maritime Law to 1776.

  • We are going to gold/asset-backed standard, not gold standard. Big difference between those two. Gold standard can still have exchange rates manipulated via manipulation of gold price.
  • Supply Chain issues could last as long as the Pandemic. You were advised to store food and supplies for you and others.

Simon Parkes: “All currency test-runs done. HSBC will lead the process. [Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp.] U.S. on full alert for the Redemption process. Temple Texas—NOT Reno—sets it off. DOD & Military is pushing everything out tomorrow (Fri. 29 Oct. 2021). Heavy roundup happening of remaining Deep State Cabal as NESARA is fully installed. United States Navy ready to go. Gold-backed currency locked in. Lots of it (_?) funded. Advanced healing technologies making its rounds. Humanitarians worldwide will be funded.”

Mon. 1 Nov. MarkZ: We are expecting a lot of movement in both Reno and Miami today. In Zurich they are still sitting on their hands waiting. Many received funding last week and I know some who are expecting funding later on today.

Monkey works said that over the weekend there was a lot of movement of military planes ….very strange things are afoot.

I hear Nesara kicks in somewhere around Wed. 3 Nov. or Thurs. 4 Nov.

Holly: Volgens rapporten bevat het eerste mandje: Afghaanse Afghani (AFN), Koeweit I dinar (KWD), Amerikaanse dollar (USD), Russische roebel (RUB), Chinese renminbi of Yuan (CNY), Britse Britse pond/pond sterling (GBP), Qatar I Rial (QAR), Dinar VAE Emiraat (AED), Indiase roepie (INR); Indonesische Rupiah (IDR), Canadese Dollar (CAD), Mexicaanse Peso (MXN), Venezuela Bolivar (VEB), Braziliaanse Real (BRL), Saoedi-Arabische Riyal (SAR), Maleisische Ringgit (MYR), Iraanse Rial (IRR), Iraakse Dinar (IQD), Vietnamese Dong (VND) en Zimbabwe ZIM/Bond. Mij ​​is verteld dat de Hongaarse Pengo ook op de lijst staat.

Herstelde Republiek

NESARA/GESARA: Zal ​​naar verwachting rond wo. 3 nov. of do. 4 nov.   GESARA LAW is door alle Wereldleiders ondertekend in DEN HAAG (Internationaal Gerechtshof). Win met alle mogelijke middelen. Flipping van 1871 Act of England. Flipping van de Balfour-verklaring. Het vastleggen van de TITEL 4 VLAG.

Wereldwijde militaire inlichtingendienst. Trump's Executive Orders 13848 en 13818 hebben in feite de wereld in beslag genomen voor iedereen die betrokken is bij misdaden tegen de menselijkheid en buitenlandse verkiezingsinterferentie ... Whiplash347

On Wed. 3 Nov. at 9:30 am in the East Room of the White House Trump will be making an announcement, and then he and Melania will head to Andrews Air Force Base where the QFS will be put into place.

Somewhere between Wed. 3 Nov. and Thurs. 11 Nov. all things will fall into place, including the EBS. 

On Thurs. 11 Nov. things will be completed.  Christmas in November. Military is the only way.


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