

 November 2, 2021 by Steve Beckow

 ❣ I would like to re-post a very remarkable interview with Ashtar from 2012, where he goes deeper into his personal life than I've ever heard from him.

 ❣ It has some remarkable features.

 ❣ I've written elsewhere about how the classic perspective that we merge with God and cease to exist as individuals has been discarded.  We have now been told that we are "going home", but come out radiant and radiant to serve again.

 ❣ Well, here's Ashtar, in the middle of his comments, describing "going home" and coming out again.  He describes it in the most sober way.

 ❣ In addition, Ashtar acknowledges that he lives outside the Twelve Dimensions.  And yet he describes himself here as an ordinary man with a family!

 ❣ What lies beyond the Twelve Dimensions?  Do people live in the transcendental?  What we hear just doesn't fit our classical enlightenment theories.

 💢 Here's Ashtar:
 Transcript of Ashtar on An Hour with an Angel, April 23, 2012,” via Linda Dillon, op

 ⭐ Ashtar: It's hard – well I'll use that word – it's hard enough to lower our vibrations and hold that in the fifth dimension.  We certainly don't want to go much lower than that.  And in that reality, in that place, some of these other channels are very clearly not of that vibrational frequency.  …

 🙍‍♂️ Steve: How does it work with the fleet, with people who come from the higher dimensions and live on the fifth?  Have you also lost your memory?  (1) Can you see each other?  How does it work to have people of a higher dimension work side by side with people of another, perhaps lower dimension?

 ⭐ Ashtar: We don't lose anything.  That's part of the deal.  It's really only in your density, because we wouldn't even call the third dimension the real third dimension experience.

 ⭐ So you are in the density of a construct, an illusion, which you think is the third dimension.  So you're not even fully in the third dimension.  You gain ground, yes, and you experience moments when you're in fourth or fifth.

 ⭐ But no, once you have access to the higher dimensions, you are not stuck there.  It's not like a brick wall or a veil falling between dimensions.  Because that would be unbearable for us.  It would.  You, of the Earth, breaking free from the old third, you have the hardest task.  You have the hardest line to see, and yes, of course, the greatest chance of serving.  But no.

 ⭐ So, for example, many who serve in the fleet are from the ninth.  But that doesn't mean they can't travel to the eleventh and be with the ascended masters, or that the ascended masters can travel to the fifth so that the vibration can be filtered in an acceptable way for the human race, or for us.  So no.

 ⭐ Think of it as molecules, like water atoms, or water molecules in a pitcher or bucket.  These are free flowing.  Thus you can flow from the twelfth to the seventh to the fifth with all your qualities intact.  And even to the third.  But that's what we would almost call a no-fly zone, as you well know.

 🙍‍♂️ Steve: I think it's interesting what you just said… to be with the ascended masters in the 11th dimension.  I think many of our listeners may think that the ascended masters are on the fifth and are helping us join them.  But in fact, many of them exist at a much higher level than that.  I don't think that is widely known.

 ⭐ Ashtar: No, it is not widely known.  And what happens - think about it this way - is that we can take your hands from the fifth - because that's where you learn to manipulate change, to be able to start creating in different ways - and we can take your hands, please, joyfully,  and show you the way to the higher realms.

 ⭐ It is not that the fifth is incomplete in any way.  And you are absolutely right, for many of the ascended ones are [from higher dimensions], and they will be with us aboard the ship, and they will talk to us.  We will plan, we will guide, we will formulate.  For even within the unfolding of the plan, the restoration of the earth, there are plans within plans within plans.  And one of the things you may have already learned about us is that we love to communicate.

 ⭐ Well, our communication is rarely verbal as I am speaking to you today.  But let's just say the advantage of that is that volumes can be spoken in a jiffy.  And very often, when the ascended ones are with us, and we persist - can we say that?  – our fifth dimensional vibration, and they arrive, it's like a sunbeam, until they adjust.

 ⭐ No, we don't put them in adjustment rooms or anything like that, because they are welcome though.  But the modification, the modulation that is taking place, is so that we can be with you!

 ⭐ And once we are, once we get into what you can think of as a similar playing field - and there are many wonderful qualities of the fifth dimension;  don't get us wrong!  - but what it does is it opens the doors to new possibilities, new realms.  …

 ⭐ If you would see me as a man – because, as you know, in many ways I am Adam Kadmon, Ad-man, human – we share this.  … (2)

 ⭐ The place where I feel most at home, above and below, is in the New Jerusalem.  Failing that, I feel most at home when I return to the heart of One, when I sit with my beloved brothers and Father, our Mother.  Yes, just like you I do that every day of course.  But the time will come when we will all return to Source, to that pure light.

 ⭐ Meanwhile I am known from many places - Arcturus, Venus - for I have been part of the Kumara effort shall we say.  The Pleiadian sector is one of my favorite playgrounds.  Thank you for asking who I am, because not many people do.  …

 ⭐ I am a working man, albeit different, although I often appear in human form.  So I'm like you.  I cherish my family.  I cherish my employees.  I cherish my friends.  …

 ⭐ I am commander of a whole fleet, and that is a sacred honor and one entrusted to me….

 ⭐ You can see when I channel, because of the connection with Lord Sananda.  And so everything I bring forth must be in accordance with those I serve, with the mission I have chosen.  So if it feels like I'm imposing the law, telling someone to do something, you can rest assured it's not me.  …

 ⭐ What we have done is we have taken our vibrations into the fifth dimension to be in a place where we can meet you.  If you think about the human realm and what is currently available to you, if you were looking for me, I would be outside the realm of the human experience.  So let's make that clear too.

 🙍‍♂️Steve B: That means above the twelfth dimension, is that right?

 ⭐ Ashtar: That's right.  💟


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