Energy of the sun

The two suns - local and central, will and are playing an integral, and INTENSE role in what is, and will be happening to us. The powerful light, energy frequencies and codes, blasting and pulse-waving into our environment and bio-energy fields are becoming evermore apparent and palpable. You will likely FEEL these waves more and more intensely. You are becoming more highly sensitized to them. Absorbing these frequencies into your own energetic fields and DNA. They are chiseling away. Reshaping. Awakening. Recreating your genetic and psychic blueprint. You may experience unpleasantness. Headaches. Nausea. Heart palpitations. Sleep patterns almost non existent. Wild dreams and astral experiences when you do reach into R.E.M. phase and beyond. Unexpected emotions or memories bubbling to the surface. Even traumas you were sure that have been healed, coming back to the forefront, for another introspection and further healing. You will likely see and experience those around you a...