
Er worden posts getoond met het label space brothers

A message from Adama

Adama ~ ❤  The Space Brothers, whom many of you long to reconnect with tangibly, are members of your soul family. They are friends and family of your “future selves.” They have often intervened by protecting the Earth from major space disasters that could have caused much destruction.  Unknown to you, they have protected the Earth and all of you many, many times from major invasions by space cultures who have not yet learned to embrace unconditional love and true brotherhood. The Arcturians, the Sirians, the Pleiadeans and many others have been your most devoted Space friends and guardians. They are still here at this time in great numbers to assist you and to stabilize your planet during the coming changes and dimensional shifts. They send you love every day.  It is with a great deal of sadness that we observe how you treat your planet and each other, as members of God’s family. The only intervention that beings who live within the Earth have been allowed is to send you ...