Ascention energies

Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Perfectly Awakened Beings of Eternal Golden Life
We are in this time of Divergence where all extreme polarities are rising to the surface to be resolved and healed. The Scorpionic energies coming in are assisting us to dive deep and reveal and expose all wounding and discordant energies to expose all vulnerabilities in our physical, subtle and etheric bodies to strengthen and uplift our Spirits and Energy bodies for our final missions in the 3d Matrix Earth. All codes of Betrayal are being recoded with the codes of ethics and loyalty. The One Law is being downloaded into all Crystal Chambers within the Minds of Hue-manity. All deception and lies are being brought to the fore in this Revelation to be Transformed and brought to resolutions in the Truth of the One True Source, the Unborn Mind of Buddha.

We are in the culmination point of reaching critical mass within this realm, with our Ground Crew Earth Alliance of the 144 that embodied into these Avatars within the simulation to Transform and co-Create with the power of our all-mighty I AM Presence together as one holistic Collective in Unity Consciousness for the Upliftment of Gaia and all her children. With these massive waves of Higher Resonance flowing in we had several major pulses of Gamma Plasma Energy appearing on the Schumann charts as amplitude 24, 34 and 42 hz creating a 444 Portal and a 676 Gateway of 6th dimensional energetics descending into the Crystalline Core of Pachamama.

As we rise in these Ascension energies we are being activated and Transfigured into the Divine Christos OverSoul Creators of Heaven on Earth. This is the first time in Eternity Consciousness has the opportunity to create the Eternal Pure Land of the Heavens within a Physical Simulated Holographic Field of Light and Sound.

We must stay congruent with our thoughts, feelings and actions while maintaining a positive mindset. In any art or practice our Mindset is our Key to Divine Mastery. We must stay positive and love our work to Master our Arts and to Thrive upon Mother Earth. Your Life is your Art, your greatest symphony. It is time to conduct the energies and as a Guiding Light Direct the Force to be in Service and enhance all that is good and righteous in this world.

All has come to fruition from our great work now it is time to Harvest and bring Abundance to all Sentient Beings that are working to hold the line, to keep the Light within the Dark. The Yang within the Yin, Shiva within the Shakti, we shine our Light within the dark to illuminate all along the Way. The Tao is  with us flowing with Divine Grace, both within and surrounding all forms of physical embodied souls.

The Sun Masters πŸ™πŸΌπŸ€πŸ’ŽπŸ€


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