Energies today

Still enjoying Spring where I am.  But the Energy has been fierce the last few days. The Sun has been releasing Solar Flares and the Schumann Resonance has been high!
I am finding, however, that I am coping well and feeling good.
I seem to have arrived at a frequency where I can maintain my physical balance and well-being despite the Sun being crazy active and all sorts of energies coming in!
I do believe that with focus and perseverance we can all reach this state of peace and balance.  For me it has required months of intention and focus, and a determination to be in the New Earth frequency.
I do feel, also, as Archangel Michael has let me know, that part of the process is SLOWING DOWN and being in that place of peace.  If we don't slow down we just rev up and then we create "chaos vortexes" that tend to trip us up, literally and figuratively. We can damage ourselves on so many levels if we are vibrating all over the place.  It does happen to me at times, and then I make a conscious effort to slow down and breathe deeply and exit the chaos vortex that I have created/co-created.
So as we approach 11/11, when everything will accelerate again, it is so important to enter into our Mastery and "breathe" ourselves into calm and peace. Hold that Peace, and more and more it will become your reality ,as you enter the New Earth frequency.
And if you find yourself in the chaos and feeling symptoms and anxieties, just make a firm decision to shift out of the old and the chaotic and into the place of Serenity and Joy!
It can be that simple!
<3 <3 <3
Source: Celia Fenn


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