Energy predictions November

There is a good chance that you will only really notice the impact of the past year on how you think, on how you stand in your life, on your relationships and on the world around you.  You have recently been able to look at the themes that are important to you from many different perspectives, and perhaps the way you saw or did things a year ago is no longer the way you see or do it today.  The more and more abundant new frequencies in Light are doing their job, gently taking you to a higher level of life for you, with more harmony, peace, joy and love, even though you see that when you look with the eyes of your ego.  , not really that clear yet.

 This month, more than usual, you will be held up a mirror inwardly (by your guide/guardian angel) or outwardly (by others around you), so that you can see even better where you stand, and what really needs to let go.  There is a mass of new information coming to you, - and sometimes that is information that has been around you for a long time, but that you have not yet wanted to see because of your ego limitations.  Now that you are throwing off more and more superfluous layers, you are approaching your pure state of 'being', and from there you also increasingly attract what and who reflects your purity.

 That also means that you may now be able to let go of what was half gone before, because you are done with it, because only now you really see what is important to you, what your common thread and true course is.  Around the New Moon on November 4, there will be a lot of movement in and around you, unexpected turns can occur, you can be surprised or even shaken.  Maybe you suddenly discover where your real responsibilities lie, or you feel a deeper call in you to take your life to a higher level, and you also see how you can achieve that.

 The underlying 7th vibration of November prompts you (and the whole world) to self-reflection, inner work, peace and quiet.  It will do you good to withdraw from that crazy world for a while to come to your own core of serene silent wisdom, so that you can see what is in front of you.  You may find that when you fall into the trap of wanting to lose yourself in crowds or a multitude of activities or in all kinds of relationships with people around you, you find obstacles in your way.  So that you can automatically make room for what is most important to you at that moment.  You also find the courage to view shadows – that which has not yet been brought to Light in you – and dissolve into the infinite love for your Self.

 You become more aware of the importance of authentic communication, i.e. honest communication, from your heart, and where you feel that this is not possible, you will increasingly pull the plug on the connection - although at a higher level there is always  love and respect for everyone's individuality remains.  You value true connection more and more, and will perhaps also free up more space and time for it, as a matter of course.  True connection, connection in which you play no role but just be yourself, in which you feel safe, in which you know that the other means you well, will become increasingly important in your life - because building such connections is building a  An increasingly solid network of true love, respect and equality is building the true New Age.

 The energy in November can be strong, highly transformative, but the more you build silence into your life, the more you can and want to distinguish main from side issues, the more you dare to look at what can be changed in you and in your life.  , the more beautiful you will find this month's energy, and the more it will bring you.  The energy builds up to the Full Moon (with partial Moon eclipse) of November 19.  You know that on such a day (and the days before and after) many emotions can bubble up, and a lot of resistance is released, within yourself and around you.  There can be much turmoil in the world.

 Then take good care of yourself, through sufficient rest, inner work, aura cleaning and self-nurturing.  See the beauty of this time, focus on signs of positive change, and above all realize that you yourself build your life.  You can make choices and decisions every day, you are as free as you want to feel.  Perhaps this is also a good time to see how and in which you keep yourself too captive, and how strongly you may still live in old patterns of your parents or ancestors, which in reality of your soul desire are no longer yours.  And then maybe open the door of that self-created prison, step outside, and see, hear, feel, know the abundance of new possibilities.

 Also keep in mind that all the energy shifts associated with a world in full transformation demand a lot from your body.  It may be that you have already noticed, or will certainly notice this month, that it is becoming increasingly difficult to live at two speeds.  There is the speed of your outer life, to the rhythm of your 'obligations', expectations of others, appointments here and there, the pace to which you used to live.

 There is also the speed of your real self, i.e. your energy field, nervous system and body, and the path of your soul during this period, the goals you have chosen from your Higher Self for yourself (long before you in this life  used to be).  You will feel more and more clearly when both speeds    are no longer in harmony.  The goal of all spiritual evolution is to merge both speeds into one speed: the pace of your true soul.  You learn to live by trial and error from your natural flow, from the movement from within the heart and soul, with deep respect for your precious body, and in a natural harmony in which you can be there for others without losing your Self or your  to do violence to the body.  Unconditional love: it starts with yourself.

 Keep the faith!



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