
your body is preparing you for 5d

We must remember that our human consciousness is very strong and its ability to create material frequencies that will pass through other realms and connect to spirtual frequencies that manifest into what we want on Earth is very strong too.  When the negative polarity is at a all time high this blocks the ability for this connection to create something positive. Thus the matrix blocks all things that are manifested by you through the creator. So when you keep putting energies out there that are positive and nothing changes this is why. Its not you it's what we have lived in till now and the light is breaking it. This is why you are feeling all these upgrades and ascension symptoms and the frequencies are high. Bc you're connecting to the creator and you are for the first time becoming alive and living in the now. Your feeling all new energies and you mind and your body are preparing you for 5d. Do you realize how powerful you are and how much you can create just by thinking abo...

Energy predictions November

There is a good chance that you will only really notice the impact of the past year on how you think, on how you stand in your life, on your relationships and on the world around you.  You have recently been able to look at the themes that are important to you from many different perspectives, and perhaps the way you saw or did things a year ago is no longer the way you see or do it today.  The more and more abundant new frequencies in Light are doing their job, gently taking you to a higher level of life for you, with more harmony, peace, joy and love, even though you see that when you look with the eyes of your ego.  , not really that clear yet.  This month, more than usual, you will be held up a mirror inwardly (by your guide/guardian angel) or outwardly (by others around you), so that you can see even better where you stand, and what really needs to let go.  There is a mass of new information coming to you, - and sometimes that is information that has been a...

The experience of the Egyptian Sayed from the Pyramids

My Story with my beloved pyramids,because i work many years in pyramids plateau and i work next third pyramids more then 22 year and there part many of my memory there , and when i was 18 years old, in the right side of third pyramid after 7 stones to up there a place for my rest when no work and one day after i finished my day work i have meeting with 3 people from light worker want me guide them it night time in Giza pyramid and i go to my place to rest and what the people then i feel sleep with High divine Vision, i see the pyramids plateau in the truth event, Gods The mother Isis and father  Osiris with them son Horus, all them come fly with big Golden wings then Celebrate my soul with them golden key of life i fly with them to all pyramids plateau, i was see the shift of many gods around Giza pyramids everyone have Different divine Action in past i see  the pyramids around pyramids complex of energy Machine to send and Received, Technology Connected to all planets   ...

heartspace activation

You are an amplifier of source,a co-creator.The sun of hollow earth provides the upwards dna activating spiral,our outer sun provides the downwards dna activating spiral,Both spirals meet in the heartspace to activate it's alike in energy,you inner sun,your inner source af wisdom/knowing,also known as your diamond particle.From this space source energy flows through your cristalline meridian and chakrasystem to all cells in your body to enlight it's alike in energy:a needlepoint of source material(sun) in the centre of every cell around which the atoms cirlce,a miniature solar system.Everything has been done by the dark to get you out of this connection.What you imagine in the heartspace will be activated for all to experience.

Happy Samhain, Halloween

Today it is Halloween, Samhain. This day the veil is the thinnest between heaven and earth. So a perfect time to meditate with your family in the skies. Enjoy this moment.

Energy of the sun

The two suns - local and central, will and are playing an integral, and INTENSE role in what is, and will be happening to us. The powerful light, energy frequencies and codes, blasting and pulse-waving into our environment and bio-energy fields are becoming evermore apparent and palpable.  You will likely FEEL these waves more and more intensely. You are becoming more highly sensitized to them. Absorbing these frequencies into your own energetic fields and DNA. They are chiseling away. Reshaping. Awakening. Recreating your genetic and psychic blueprint. You may experience unpleasantness. Headaches. Nausea. Heart palpitations. Sleep patterns almost non existent. Wild dreams and astral experiences when you do reach into R.E.M. phase and beyond. Unexpected emotions or memories bubbling to the surface. Even traumas you were sure that have been healed, coming back to the forefront, for another introspection and further healing.  You will likely see and experience those around you a...

The Arcturian council

💟 The 9th Dimensional ARCTURICAL COUNCIL ~~ The Fears of November 2021💟  October 30, 2021  ❣ Best regards.  We are the Arcturian Council.  We'd love to connect with all of you.  ⭐ We are in the process of selecting the precise energies to be delivered to your world by us and the colleagues who work with us there during the month of November.  ⭐ We know you all need quite a bit of support right now as the energies continue to intensify and as you are continuously bombarded with energies from different parts of the galaxy.  ⭐ Therefore, we know that any energies we give you will be supportive.  They will ground, stabilize and they will help you process everything you are letting go of in this moment.  ⭐ As you take on more, you also have to let go more, and you let go of more of what no longer serves you, what is heavy, what is traumatic, and all the energies you release make room for even more of these higher-  frequency energies that c...